Embarking on a spiritual and philosophical journey in 2023, I explored a collection of books offering diverse perspectives on existence and contemplation. If you need a kick in the pants “Discipline Is Destiny: The Power of Self-Control” offers stoic...
A Meaningful Minimalism In a world often defined by excess and materialism, the pursuit of a more intentional and meaningful way of life holds a unique allure. The Afrominimalist’s Guide to Living with Less by Christine Platt transcends conventional notions of...
I very much enjoyed reading The Last Train to Key West by Chanel Cleeton and I think I’m a solid Chanel Cleeton fan after three books in a row at 5 stars from me. Set during Labor Day weekend in 1935, when a devastating hurricane hit the Florida Keys, this work...
When We Left Cuba by Chanel Cleeton is the best novel I’ve read in a while. I really enjoyed it from the first page. (I may have liked it even more than Next Year in Havana.) Beatriz is a fun character to get to know. This book has family, romance, and...
I Am Invincible by Norma Kamali is a fabulous book about a fascinating life. It’s chock-full of insights and inspiration for living a creative life that is long, healthy, and meaningful. I really enjoyed reading this one and will keep it around for future...